Love, Death & Robots

Love, Death & Robots: Zima Blue 

    I found the story very interesting, and I enjoyed how it was a full-circle plot. When I first watched it, I must admit that I was quite confused about the plot line, so I researched it further. So first, the name of the story comes from the tile color; the manufacturers named the tile "Zima Blue," which was the first thing the robot had ever seen and, for a long time, the only thing that it had ever known. The robot takes on the name Zima and becomes one of the most sought-after artists worldwide or even multiverse. However, they all believe that Zima is human; he had so many modifications done throughout the years that they believed he was human, taking on the form of a robot when it was actually quite the opposite. Zima originally had the goal to find the truth of all, to figure out why everything was created as it was, but on his journey, he realized that in order for him to do so, he would have to look at his life and his beginning; which led him to realize that at one point in his life cleaning was all he knew and that was all he now wanted to know. 

   The reason I found this so interesting is that we can relate it to our own lives. We as a society often put such hyper focuses on things that we believe give us peace or allow us to grow when in reality, they are all the wrong things. We focus so much on wealth and status that we forget to truly look at ourselves in a mirror and deal with what is really important. If we were to look deep within ourselves, we would realize that what truly brings us joy may just be the simplest things. Zima found joy in cleaning the pool tiles; he had status and power, but all he wanted was something as simple as cleaning tiles. It is often forgotten that we each only have one life to live, we are only here for so long, so instead of focusing on things that we THINK matter, we should focus on WHAT matters to us. It can be as simple as reading a book, going on walks, or even enjoying a movie, but it does not have to be what everyone else thinks it has to be. I think that that is the message that the writers are trying to convey here for our future, that we don't always need to focus on what social media or society tells us to; we just need to focus on our truth.  


  1. I definitely agree that one of the biggest plagues any of us can have is caring what other people think of us. If we stay true to ourselves, we'll be much happier and content.


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